run eat life

live life healthy and happy

A short moment of self pity


I don’t really do self pity. I get annoyed by it. It doesn’t seem to help me and definitely doesn’t lift me up. But right now I need just a very short moment of it.

Despite all my healthy eating (see Healing foods for a broken bone), I got a cold. I had fever 2 nights ago. Not happy.  Maybe after spending most of my days inside without much human contact, my immune system doesn’t know how to respond to anything when I am actually outside. My guess is that having spent the weekend under people in several cafes and restaurants probably made me catch something. Booohhhhhh!


night time

My foot is healing slowly (I hope), but it’s really hard to tell. The swelling is going down and I can finally see some bones in my right foot again. Yippieh! There is still some bruising, but even that is slowly going away. I hope all of this is a good sign for the healing process. I am keeping off my feet for most of the day, spending the day in front of the laptop or on the couch reading or indulging in daytime TV. I try to carefully walk a little bit every day with crutches, keeping the weight off my right foot. Stimulating the broken bone apparently helps its healing process. But I am staying on the safe side with less rather than more, since the doctor really hasn’t given me any advice on walking.

day time

day time

I am going to see my regular GP tomorrow and hope he will have more advice for me than the doc at the hospital. My biggest concern right now is the flight to California. With the visa well on its way into my passport (embassy visit next week hopefully), my move to California is soon approaching. The flight will be more than 5 weeks after the actual break and I hope that it will be ok to get on an 11-hour flight. Eeek…

With things going their way, I hope I can shake this cold off in a few days and start real packing mode. But right now I am up for some more daytime TV. I must have watched 2 seasons of CSI Miami already, a show I have never watched before, but am getting totally into it. “I know you are lying. I just don’t know what about yet.” I might have to start a new CSI Miami quote blog…

Thanks for letting me indulge in a short moment of self pity. I think I am finally over it!

Author: Tatjana

explorer | runner | hiker | marketer | with opinions | coffee-lover | photographer | seeking adventures in everyday life

10 thoughts on “A short moment of self pity

  1. Hey Tatjana, sorry to hear about your cold. I may have already mentioned it, but just in case, reading “Super Immunity” and adhering to Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s advice has ROCKED my world (as well as many of my friends) in regards to bulletproofing ourselves from colds, flus, and so many other more serious common illnesses. Thus I highly suggest reading it ( and/or listening to it ( I have both!

    Anyway, whatever you decide to do, best of health to you AND have fun in California when you get there. Note that’s where I was born and raised. Long Beach, California to be exact. It’s a GREAT place to live! 😀

  2. Pingback: Found in my inbox: Get up and do « run eat life

  3. I’d say you’ve earned a bout or two of self-pity…

  4. It really does look quite painful. Hope you start getting better very soon!

  5. Ohhhh, that looks sore! But my initial reaction was – pretty toe nails!
    Hope you’re getting around ok in your moonboot, I had one when I broke my ankle, could get some good speed up walking in it!
    Get beter soon

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