run eat life

live life healthy and happy

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Changing habits

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I am on day 5 of my renewed healthy living pact. And this time it is for real.

No one else can change your life. You are in the driver seat!

That’s what I need to remember.

So far, it’s been fairly easy. I am following my own healthy choices that I laid out a few days ago. I am not following a specific diet. I have tried that a few times and failed each time. I am looking to make a permanent change in the way I view food.

What is food to me?

it keeps me energetic enough to live my daily life.

it keeps my strong enough to keep running longer distance races.

it keeps me healthy.

it gives me pleasure. I enjoy eating tasteful food.

it makes me social. Sharing stories with family and friends over dinner.

it makes me happy. That I can do all of the above.

Given all this, shouldn’t I be picky about how I feed my body and soul? And yes, the answer is YES!

No one said, changing habits is easy, but isn’t a healthy lifestyle worth it?

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

~Maria Robinson